Čovjek u invalidskim kolicima kraj jezera

About project

Project ADOBE (Accessible Tourism Destinations and Services in Border Areas) is financed by the European Union through the INTERREG V-A Hungary-Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.

The project started on May 1st 2020 and will be in implementation until August 31st 2022 (28 months). Overall value of the project is 195.000,00 EUR (EU funding 165.700,00 EUR).

Projects activities include preparation of case study based on an analysis of tourist attractions accessibility , development of web site and mobile app which will provide information about accessible tourism, procurement of an assistive equipment which will be put on a disposal (free of charge) to persons with disability and tourism services providers, education for stakeholders in tourism and info campaign for raising public awareness.

Čovjek s bijelim štapom

Project goals

Tourism without obstacles

ADOBE project promotes tourism adapted to the needs of persons with disability and improved accessibility of contents, services, locations, destinations and other attractions in Osijek-Baranja County and Baranya County.

The mitigation of physical and communication obstacles will make tourist destinations more attractive and accessible to persons with disability. This will have positive impact on the development of continental tourism in crossborder area.

Project partners

Osijek-Baranja County

Project beneficiary

Baranya County

Project partner

Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities (CRO)

Associated partner

Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary

Associated partner

Project in numbers

ADOBE project basic information


Project partners


Crossborder regions

20 mjeseci

Project duration

195.000,00 EUR

Overall project value

Contact information

Osijek-Baranya County

Kardinala Franje Šepera 12, 31000 Osijek

Baranya County

Rákóczi út 52-56., 7621 Pécs

Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities (Croatia)

Ulica Hrvatske Republike 5, 31 000 Osijek

Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary

Akadémia u. 3, 1054 Budapest